Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Resonance of the Soul

I know I'm not supposed to have favorites when it comes to the music that the choir performs.  It makes the other concerts feel left out.  But in all honesty, I have been eagerly anticipating this concert all year.  Resonance will feature antiphonal music.  Let me say that again, Resonance will feature ANTIPHONAL music!  There will be singers on all sides of the audience.  You will be surrounded by sweet, sweet harmonies.  Your body will vibrate.  Your SOUL will vibrate.  What better way to spend a Saturday or Sunday night than with singers who will make your soul resonate? 

I'm sorely disappointed to be working behind the scenes during the concert and won't be able to soak in the experience with you.  Because you will be there, won't you?  Don't be silly now, here are some other reasons why you should absolutely make this concert a part of your plans this weekend:

1. Thomas Tallis' Spem in Alium  Or as we've been affectionately calling it the last few months, "Spam."   (Please feel free to loop the appropriate Monty Python sketch in your mind here.)  Joking aside though, this piece is amazing.  Spem is comprised of 40 individual voices, which is an incredible feat for any composer or choir.  Karen P. Thomas says it eloquently in her program notes: "The work is a study in contrasts: the individual voices sing and are silent in turns, sometimes alone, sometimes in choirs, sometimes calling and answering, sometimes all together, so that the work is continually presenting new sonic textures to the listener...[A]n unparalleled masterpiece of sonic architecture."  Do you see what I'm getting at with the "your soul will vibrate" comment?

2.  A World Premiere by British composer Bernard Hughes commissioned by Seattle Pro Musica with generous support from Brian and Lynn Grant.   Hughes' piece, I Sing of Love, is based off of three texts on the theme of love: the Old Testament's Song of Soloman, texts by Islamic poet Rumi, and texts from the New Testament.  Each section is related to a different theme in the music, where "I sing of love" is repeated as a mantra.  It sounds wondrous.  And this is a brand new piece!  Written just for this choir!  You can be at the very first performance of it EVER.  Isn't that exciting?

3.  Do it for the kids.  Seattle Pro Musica will be joined by three youth choirs: Seattle Girls' Choir Prime Voci, Northwest Girlchoir Ensemble, and St. James Cathedral Jubilate!  SPM is pleased to be able to include such talented young singers as part of our Education and Outreach program.  Who knows?  You may be hearing one of these young ladies at the Met someday!

I sincerely hope you can join us.  This is the type of event that absolutely cannot be recreated on a recording.  Your soul will thank you.

Seattle Pro Musica will perform Resonance on May 19th and 20th, 8pm, at St. James Cathedral, Seattle.  Please contact our office at 206.781.2766 or online at www.seattlepromusica.org for details.  Thank you for your support!